Our Approach

Far-reaching change processes can only be successful and mobilize support if visions of the new encourage people to join in ("I want that too!"). Change must bring joy.

Moreover, theoretical-cognitive knowledge alone is not enough to realize and scale entirely new practices and approaches. This requires experiential knowledge.
Positive visions develop real power when they become tangible.

Reinventing Society is both a living laboratory and a think-and-do tank. We create experiential utopian spaces in which desirable futures with new underlying principles become tangible.

We combine a playful attitude with professional expertise and personal depth.

Transforming Society and Self

Transformative change takes place on different levels that are intertwined with each other. Therefore, we follow an integral approach and work in three dimensions. Inside and outside are mutually dependent, i.e. changes inside are the basis for a new culture - and vice versa, changes in culture and external structures shape every individual.

Personal dimension

Sustainable change finds its origins to a large extent within ourselves as human beings. It begins with a sincere connection to the Self, connectedness to others and the world. What gives us orientation and confidence? How can we bring our values into harmony with our actions? Inner work is the key to successful change.

Organisational dimension

In our complex world, different goals and framework conditions are needed for meaningful and innovative work in companies and at the institutional level. New, agile forms of leadership and teamwork are needed to distribute responsibility more effectively and to enable self-organisation and the unfolding of latent potential.

Systemic dimension

A just society in harmony with nature requires new political and economic structures and norms. There are already groundbreaking concepts for the transformation of essential social systems, as the economy and finance. Their realisation is directly linked to our collective ideas and world views.

In our work we refer to all three levels and point to the crucial connections between them. With a systemic view, we make interactions visible and develop integrated and "real-utopian" approaches to solutions - depending on the situation and the overall context.  

Our sources of inspiration and methods

We stand on the shoulders of many people whose ideas and approaches inspire our work. In the following, we list our most important influences and sources of inspiration as well as the central methods of our work, which we are continuously developing.

Ariadne von Schirach (German author and philosopher) C.G. Jung (German psychologist), Carl Rogers (US psychologist), Charles Eisenstein (US author and philosopfer), Christian Felber (founder of the economy for the common good), Daniel Christian Wahl ( researcher for regenerative cultures), Daniel Sieben (economist and author of the book 'Ganz Mensch Sein'), Erich Fromm (writer and philosoph), Erik Olin Wright (professor for sociology), Ernest Callenbach (writer), Frederic Laloux (author of 'Reinventing Organizations'), Frederick Perls (psychotherapist and analyst), Greta Thunberg (climate activist), Hanzi Freinacht (author of 'the Listening Society' and founder of Metamoderna), Harald Welzer (writer and philosopher), Hartmut Rosa (sociologist and writer), Jiddu Krishnamurti (indian philosopher), Ken Wilber (founder of integral theory), Kristin Neff (Co-Founder of the Center for Mindful Self-Compassion), Maja Göpel (sustainability and transformation researcher), Marshall Rosenberg (founder of nonviolent communication), Nathalie Knapp (German philosopher and jounralist), Niko Paech (economist and one of the founders of postgrowth economics), Otto Scharmer (MIT professor and founder of Theory U), Peter Levine (thrauma therapist und founder of Somatic Experiencing), Richard David Precht (German philosopher), Sri Aurobindo (indian philosopher), Tara Brach (US Buddist teacher), Terry Patten (philosopher, activist and author), Vandana Shiva (agriculture expert and ecological activist), Wolfgang Dietrich (founder of the peace philosophy of Innsbruck).

Some of our methods

Utopian Mindset (a canon of methods developed by us to activate utopian thinkin )

  • Art of Hosting 
  • Gestalt approach (counseling & therapy)
  • Nonviolent communication by Marshall Rosenberg
  • techniques of creativity
  • Mediation and conflict resolution
  • Sociocracy (3.0)
  • Systemic constellation work
  • Systemic consensus
  • Scenario development
  • Techniques of attention focusing as well as relaxation
  • Theory U (Co-Initiating, Co-Sensing, Presencing, Journaling)